Income and Rent Limits

HUD Income Limits

Please visit the HUD website for more information about HUD Income Limits and to find the most up to date information for each Montana County.

HUD Fair Market Rents

Please visit the HUD website for more information about HUD Fair Market Rents and to find the most up to date information. 

HUD-OneCPD Income Eligibility Calculator

The OneCPD calculator is a tool provided by HUD to enter a household’s information to determine income eligibility, but it does not verify income. The calculator does not replace the documentation that must be collected and retained by the user (applicant or grantee). The user (grantee or applicant) must maintain all necessary documentation, which, when using the calculator, will include saving and retaining the summary documents generated by the calculator. Users must be sure to save and retain summary documents at the time of creation. CDBG applicants or grantees will be required to retain this documentation for four years after the date of final closeout approval.

Click on CPD Income Eligibility Calculator to go to the HUD website. After you are there, you will need to register on the right side of the webpage to use the calculator.
The HUD Income Limits are used to establish eligibility to receive benefits, but they do not assist in providing the definition of what counts as income.
**Please note that ‘income eligibility’ is different than ‘HUD Income Limits’, in that income eligibility analyzes each individual beneficiary and income limits are about a geographical area. HUD Income Limits are maximum income levels established by HUD for each State and county based upon eighty, fifty, or thirty percent of area median income, taking into account household size and are published annually on the CDD webpage.